Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Where do babies come from?

From square one...
My husband and I became pregnant on the 5th cycle since "pulling the goalie from the game" (translation: stopping birth control). I had been on birth control most of the time for approx. 10 years. You are somehow tricked into thinking that stopping birth control immediately puts you "at risk" for pregnancy. This is at least what we are dupped into believing when we are 16 & our hormones are gently tapping on the door with a sledge hammer. I can safely say that getting pregnant is not the instant result of not being on birth control - at least not for everyone & certainly not for me.
For 4 months, I used the basal temperature method. I took my temperature every morning before getting out of bed. It was very routine & boring, quite honestly. It was great at detecting when I had ovulated. Your temperature will peak after you have ovulated. It can be effective if your temperature is very steady prior to ovulation. My temperature is not. I feel like we missed our "peak opportunity" because it is often too late if you know you have ovulated. It is best to have sex everyday for the two or three days prior to ovulation. The egg lives for approx. 24 hrs. Sperm can live for up to 3 days (or 5 if you have Superman Sperm). The odds are better if you have sex before ovulation.
In that 5th month, after many frustrating nights clutching a negative pregnancy test while sitting on the toilet, I purchased the Clear Blue Easy Fertility monitor. It is very easy to use. You pee on a stick from day 6 on your cycle until you are beyond your fertile window. This means you pee on a stick every morning, place the stick in the monitor & wait for it to tell you if you are low fertility, high fertility or peak fertility. High or Peak means that it is time to get busy. Low Fertility means you can have a v8.
I highly recommend the fertility monitor. It is a little pricey - I found a kit with free shipping online for $200 at It included the test strips (which are an additional $30 in other places), Fertility Aid lubricant and free shipping.
Whether it was timing, perfect alignment of the stars, or the fertility monitor - I can't say. But, all I know is, we were unsuccessful for 4 months & then were pregnant after using the monitor. If you are looking for a little non-invasive help. I'd say to try the monitor.

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